The health and safety of our students and their families is always our top concern and we are aggressively monitoring the COVID-19 situation. We consider it a great honor to be able to support children during this time and we know that the families we partner with are the most important sources of support for these young people. To do everything we can to prevent the spread of the virus, we have taken these measures to keep our students physically and mentally healthy.

What Safety Measures Are Schools and Teachers Using at Science Career Coaching ?

Safety precautions used include:

  • Cleaning and disinfecting. Science Career Coaching follows advice from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for cleaning and disinfecting common areas. Surfaces that get touched a lot (such as door handles and knobs, keyboards, and tables & chairs) get cleaned as often as possible but at least daily.
  • Health screenings and monitoring. Science Career Coaching check kids for symptoms of coronavirus each day. If someone gets sick, there should be a process for isolating them, reporting exposures, and returning to institute. Students, teachers, or other SCC staff should stay home if they are sick. Students should not come to the institute for offline class if they have had close contact with someone with COVID-19 rather that can stay home and continue study with the science career coaching app.
  • Face coverings. All adults should wear masks or cloth face coverings, as other students.
  • Hand washing. Students and staff should wash their hands with soap and water well and often. They also can use hand sanitizer if water is not available.
  • Social distancing (also called physical distancing). Adults and students should stay 6 feet apart whenever possible. In the classroom, spacing desks 3–6 feet apart and having students wear cloth face coverings will help prevent the spread of coronavirus.

We belive that follow these practices can lower the chances of COVID-19 spreading among students and staff. But that doesn’t mean infections can’t still happen. In case of an outbreak, Science Career Coaching prvovides a ready solution that includes full-time distance learning at home with our app.

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