So, What is Counseling according to you?

Well, a Counseling Process is meant for guiding the right thing for anybody in life.

We all need counseling at a certain stage and search for the right person to get valuable guidance from them so that we can get the solution of a problem and succeed at every stage of life.

Just like every other person, students too, require right guidance to choose an academic course or to choose a career in which they can fit in. so, we can say that there is a great importance of counseling in a student’s life that helps him to progress in life.

But why a student needs guidance and at which stage?

Well, today due to a plethora of fields, students are unable to find the right field for themselves and feel confused to choose a course. So, in this situation, they feel like getting some guidance from the student counselors. Effective Counseling for Students can really help them eliminate their career related issues and they are able to shape their career by choosing the right field.

Difference between Guidance and Counselling

Guidance is all about giving advice or an important piece of information with an aim to resolve a particular problem or difficulty.

However, counseling is related to giving professional and sound advice by a SCC Counselor to a person to help him overcome his psychological or personal problems.

Guidance deals in combating the education as well as career-related issues and problems whereas guidance is related to helping the students to cope up with their socio-psychological and personal problems.

What is Guidance and Counselling?

Definition of Guidance

Guidance is more of valuable advice provided to an individual on some specific matters such as choosing a particular course or choosing a particular career path. Guidance is given by the superior person in a particular field. Teachers can become better guides who can really help the students to opt for the Best Career Choices. They also possess an important role in the self-development of the students.

Definition of Counselling

Counseling, by definition, means a therapy that involves talking in which an individual share his problems with the counselor and the counselor, after taking note of his troubles advises him the best course to cope up with their problems.

The counselor very well knows how to do counseling as he puts in his best efforts to acknowledge the personal as well as psychological problems of an individual that gives him mental instability and emotional pain.

The role of the counselor is very important as he has to find out the root of a particular problem and to figure out the possible solutions for these issues. The counselor also helps people to choose the best course of action by helping him remain positive in his life.

Importance of Guidance and Counselling for Students

There is much importance of guidance and Counseling for Students as they are unable to make the right career choice and end up being enrolled in any course just for the sake of getting higher study. Most of the students do not know which course to choose in college and that’s where students’ guidance comes into the picture. Strong guidance and counseling for students let them choose the most suitable course according to their interests and preferences.

There is a great need for guidance and counseling in education these days as school children are not able to opt for choosing the best career for themselves. They are unable to make a difference between right or wrong and due to this, they end up taking the best decisions that are not good for their career. Young minds require good guidance so that they can shape up their personality.

The purpose of counseling should be to provide valuable life-lessons to the students so that they may become professionals in their career. Students who get counseling are able to choose between different careers and can prepare themselves for a particular field according to their education and interests.

How do School Counsellors Help Students?

Counselors can be said as the torch-bearers of the students. They can easily identify as well as accomplish the career as well as academic goals of the student and enhance their personal development thereby improving their interpersonal relationships.

A school counselor or a Guidance Counselor plays a very pivotal role in the career development of the students. They have a multifaceted role and they put in a lot of efforts in shaping the career of a student.

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