Electric Dipole | Electric Dipole Moment | class 12 Physics

Electric Dipole | Electric Dipole Moment | class 12 Physics

Hello students in this session we will study about electric dipole & dipole moment and also learn some important points about the dipole. So lets start… What is Electric Dipole ? Electric dipole is a system of two equal and opposite charges (q and -q) separated by a small distance. đŸ‘‰ The total charge of…

Electric field Lines | Properties of Electric field Lines | Class 12 Physics

Electric field Lines | Properties of Electric field Lines | Class 12 Physics

Hello Students, today we will learn about, what are Electric field lines and what are its important properties? So lets start… What are Electric field Lines ? Electric field line: It is an imaginary line drawn in such a way that the tangent at any point on it will represent the direction of the electric…

Methods of Charging | Class 12 Physics

Methods of Charging | Class 12 Physics

Hello students in this session we will learn about methods of charging and also learn some important points about it. So lets start… There are three basic methods of charging- 1. Charging by Friction: In this process when two bodies are rubbed together, electrons are transferred from one body to the other. đŸ‘‰The body losses…

Electric Charge (Complete Basics)

Electric Charge (Complete Basics)

Hello students in this session we will learn about electric charge and also learn some important points about it. So lets start… What is Electric Charge ? The property of the material due to which it exerts or experiences electrical and magnetic effects is called electric charge. Example: Paper pieces attracts towards the Plastic scale,…